Their only crime was not being Russian: The Circassian Genocide

Wednesday 18th March 2022 @ 16:30 – 18:30 CET

Their only crime was not being Russian: The Circassian Genocide

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The Killing and Destruction Continue in Ukraine

The Killing and Destruction Continue in Ukraine

The Killing and Destruction Continue in Ukraine

Adel Bashqawi

7 February, 2022

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The Circassian Question Still Unresolved

The Circassian Question Still Unresolved

By: Adel Bashqawi

22 / 2 / 2022

fall_of_cicassia (2)
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Moscow Scholars See Circassian Movement within Russia and Abroad ‘Consolidating’

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Moscow Scholars See Circassian Movement within Russia and Abroad ‘Consolidating’

Paul Goble

Staunton, Dec. 10 – Sometimes an article on a controversial subject is noteworthy because of who writes it and where it appears. Sometimes it is important because the authors try to present an objective picture rather than extend a tendentious one. And sometimes it matters because they acknowledge a reality few of their fellow specialists want to ad

A new article on the Circassian communities in Russia and Turkey is significant for all three reasons. First, it is written by two MGIMO scholars, Tatiana Litvinova and David Bdoyan and published in the Estonian journal TRAMES ( Read more

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Kremlin’s Neo-Traditionalism Deepening Divide Between Russians and North Caucasians, Zhelenin Says

Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Kremlin’s Neo-Traditionalism Deepening Divide Between Russians and North Caucasians, Zhelenin Says
Paul Goble
Staunton, Nov. 29 – The peoples of the North Caucasus and the majority of Russians are going in different directions mentally, increasing misunderstandings and hostility between them and the probability that this trend will lead to a break between them, Aleksandr Zhelenin says.
And what is most alarming, the Rosbalt commentator says, is that this divide is being unwittingly promoted by the Kremlin’s “conservative trend” which seeks to revive and cultivate “traditional values,” a policy that has difference consequences in Russian regions, on the one hand, and the North Caucasus, on the other (

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Moscow Gelded Circassian National Movement by Killing Young Circassians Radicalized by Islam, Yaganov Says

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Moscow Gelded Circassian National Movement by Killing Young Circassians Radicalized by Islam, Yaganov Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Sept. 21 – The Circassian national movement is currently stalled because between 2005 and 2015 the Russian siloviki and Russian skinheads killed “some 2,000” Circassian young people who had been radicalized by post-Soviet Islam, “an unbearable loss for our small people,” according to Ibragim Yaganov.

            But despite that, the leader of Circassians in Kabardino-Balkaria says, there is every reason to believe that a new generation of young people are emerging who will overcome the fears the powers have sought to instill, take up the struggle and give new strength to the national movement ( Read more

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Circassia is Proud of its People

Circassia is Proud of its People

Circassia is Proud of its People

Adel Bashqawi

15 August 2021

Every year, on 21 May, Circassians hold marches in memory of those who died in the Caucasus Wars | Nauruz Aguey OpenDemocracy
Every year, on 21 May, Circassians hold marches in memory of those who died in the Caucasus Wars | Nauruz Aguey

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