Putin’s Insistence on Single Narrative in Caucasus Deepening Divide Between Russians and Circassians, Urushadze Says

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Putin’s Insistence on Single Narrative in Caucasus Deepening Divide Between Russians and Circassians, Urushadze Says

Paul Goble

Staunton, May 18 – Three days before Circassians around the world mark the anniversary of the expulsion of their ancestors from the Russian Empire at the end of the 101-year-long Russian campaign against their nation and state, the For KBR Rights portal has reposted a study about how that history continues to affect Russian and Circassian communities.

In his 2018 article, “The Caucasian War in the Historical Memory of the Adygs and in the Russian Communications Sphere” (in Russian; Politicheskaya nauka 3 (2018): 129-156), Amiran Uruzhadze says that the refusal of the Russian side to recognize the centrality of this date for Circassians is radicalizing the latter and deepening the divide between them and Russians. Read more

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On the Day of Commemoration of Genocide, Circassians Seek Restoring their Forgotten Rights

On the Day of Commemoration of Genocide, Circassians Seek Restoring their Forgotten Rights

On the Day of Commemoration of Genocide, Circassians Seek Restoring their Forgotten Rights

By: Adel Bashqawi

21 May, 2021

PHOTO-2021-05-11-22-21-07 Read more

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В День памяти черкесы стремятся к восстановлению утраченных и забытых прав

В День памяти черкесы стремятся к восстановлению утраченных и забытых прав

Адель Башкави

21 мая 2021 г.

PHOTO-2021-05-11-22-21-07 Read more

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The Tenth Anniversary of Circassian Genocide Recognition

The Tenth Anniversary of Circassian Genocide Recognition

By: Adel Bashqawi

20 May 2021

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Десятая годовщина признания геноцида черкесов

Десятая годовщина признания геноцида черкесов

Адель Башкави 

20 мая 2021 г. 

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Presentation of the Circassian Miracle Book … Continued

Presentation of the Circassian Miracle Book … Continued

Presentation of the Circassian Miracle Book … Continued

Adel Bashqawi

17 February 2021

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A Closer Look At Circassia

A Closer Look At Circassia

A Closer Look At Circassia

By: Adel Bashqawi

October 8, 2020



The passage of time has not and will not lead to the loss of the Circassian Question of its momentum and importance in various aspects. While the elements that have affected the composition and shaping of the scene since the early historical ages and the history of the formation of one of the indigenous human entities in their Caucasus cradle of Civilization still exist.

The development of the nation as part of the human fabric in such a strategic area with great importance has been marred by many negative influences and interruptions as a result of the difficult status and conditions imposed by colonial ambitions that wanted to finish off and sparse this nation outside its homeland.

The passage of more than a century and a half since the deportation of the vast majority of the nation and the distribution of the rest of them in several tiny, divided parts and administrative areas of their historical homeland, is still the status and fate of this nation that needs to be able to restore its legitimate rights.
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