Presentation of the Circassian Miracle Book … Continued
Adel Bashqawi
17 February 2021
I was very pleased that my book “The Circassian Miracle: the Nation Neither Tsars, Nor Commissars, Nor Russia Could Stop,” was recently launched in Amman at “Circassia Center for Studies and Research,” emanating from the “Jordan Association of Caucasus Circassian Friends.” The participation of many academics and specialists in Amman and others from the Circassian diaspora via the Internet had a special impact, as the speakers gave their opinions and comments on the book and its contents.
Knowing that I had the opportunity to present the book in the Circassian Benevolent Association in New Jersey, in the United States of America, as well as in the Circassian Cultural Center in Tbilisi, Georgia. Additionally, because the great writer and political analyst Paul Goble was unable to participate via video, he thankfully submitted the following message via email:
{It is a pleasure and an honor to have the chance to comment on the occasion of the launch of Adel Bashqawi’s remarkable new book, The Circassian Miracle. Its remarkable contents will long be discussed. But I would like to focus on the role of the book itself because its appearance is a milepost on the road to the recovery of Circassia and the resumption of the proper place of the Circassians in world history.
Adel has brilliantly traced the history of his people, a nation which no one has been able to defeat. But his book is much more than that. For a national movement to succeed, it must achieve a certain codification of its history, an achievement that is required for both the solidification of national unity and the selection of the right course for the future. That is what The Circassian Miracle does, and therefore it is not only a record of history but a history maker, a sign that the Circassians will not be denied.
As such, Adel’s book is directed at three audiences. First, at the Circassians themselves, a nation of more than seven million divided not by their choice between a small group in the motherland and a vastly larger and more dispersed community abroad. For the first time, all of them have a common text on which to draw and thus become more unified.
Second, his book is directed at the many who admire the Circassians already and the far larger group of people around the world who will be attracted to them now that they have the story of this nation so well told.
And third – and not unimportantly – it is directed at the Russians who are seeking to block the restoration of Circassia and the revival of the Circassian nation. Adel’s book serves notice on them that they will not win that fight now or in the future just as they and others have never won that battle in the past.
Many people on first encountering the book might have asked themselves whether it might have been more appropriate to put a question mark after Adel’s title. Once they read it, they will see why there is no question about the miracle and won’t be. My guess is that when future editions of this book are published in the restored homeland, editors will insist that the title be ended with an explanation point.
That is an achievement few can hope for. It is one that Adel Bashqawi already richly deserves.}