A Closer Look At Circassia

A Closer Look At Circassia

A Closer Look At Circassia

By: Adel Bashqawi

October 8, 2020



The passage of time has not and will not lead to the loss of the Circassian Question of its momentum and importance in various aspects. While the elements that have affected the composition and shaping of the scene since the early historical ages and the history of the formation of one of the indigenous human entities in their Caucasus cradle of Civilization still exist.

The development of the nation as part of the human fabric in such a strategic area with great importance has been marred by many negative influences and interruptions as a result of the difficult status and conditions imposed by colonial ambitions that wanted to finish off and sparse this nation outside its homeland.

The passage of more than a century and a half since the deportation of the vast majority of the nation and the distribution of the rest of them in several tiny, divided parts and administrative areas of their historical homeland, is still the status and fate of this nation that needs to be able to restore its legitimate rights.
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Stalin Shot Higher Percentage of Educated People in Kabardino-Balkaria than Anywhere Else, New Memoir Shows

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Stalin Shot Higher Percentage of Educated People in Kabardino-Balkaria than Anywhere Else, New Memoir Shows

Paul Goble

            Staunton, August 22 – Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the smallest republics in the Russian Federation, but under Stalin, a greater percentage of its educated elite was shot than in any other autonomous or even union republic, according to the late Yevgeny Naloeva, a Kabard scholar who herself was sent to the GULAG.

           Naloeva (1922-2007) specialized in the study of Kabard popular culture, and she spoke as one who had suffered the depradations inflicted on her people by the Soviet regime. He scholarly work was published in 2015. Now, her students have prepared a collection of memoirs by and about her. Read more

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Moscow Attacks Highlight Growing Strength of Circassian National Movement

Moscow Attacks Highlight Growing Strength of Circassian National Movement

Moscow Attacks Highlight Growing Strength of Circassian National Movement

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 17 Issue: 118

(Source: Hurriyet Daily News)
(Source: Hurriyet Daily News)

Mahatma Gandhi may never actually have said of colonized peoples that “first, the imperial authorities ignore you; then, they laugh you; then, they fight you; and then, you win”; but this observation nonetheless aptly fits Moscow’s evolving relationship with the Circassians. The Russian center had previously dismissed and derided this group, but now it finds itself compelled to both combat the Circassians in their North Caucasus homeland as well as attack member of their large diaspora in the Middle East and in Western countries, where support for that much-victimized nation is growing. That does not mean the Circassians are about to win. But it does suggest the Kremlin now fears they have a chance to assert their rights and national identity. As such, the Russian government has launched a new effort to prevent that outcome via repression and subversion. Read more

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Zhirinovsky and Roman Golovanov Summed up the Past Week’s Events

Zhirinovsky and Roman Golovanov Summed up the Past Week’s Events

Zhirinovsky and Roman Golovanov Summed up the Past Week’s Events

26 July, 2020

09e5f80e9883492bc8a2a Read more

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New Monuments to Tsarist Generals Show Putin Wants to Divide Russia’s Peoples and Restore the Empire, Khakuasheva Says

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

New Monuments to Tsarist Generals Show Putin Wants to Divide Russia’s Peoples and Restore the Empire, Khakuasheva Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, July 12 – The erection in Sochi of a memorial to tsarist forces who conquered the Circassians is part of a much larger trend, one that has been going largely in one direction despite the victory that Circassians had there in getting the latest memorial taken down, Madina Khakuasheva says.

            That victory is welcome, the senior researcher at the Kabardino-Balkar Institute for Research on the Humanities suggests, but it should be seen for what it is: a skirmish in a larger war by Vladimir Putin to set Russians peoples against one another so that Moscow can restore the empire (zapravakbr.com/index.php/analitik/1498-madina-khakuasheva-chto-skryvayut-geroicheskie-pamyatniki). Read more

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مقدم برامج تلفزيون موسكو يندد بإزالة النصب التذكاري في سوتشي، ويهدد الشركس بالعقاب

السبت 11 يوليو/تموز 2020

مقدم برامج تلفزيون موسكو يندد بإزالة النصب التذكاري في سوتشي، ويهدد الشركس بالعقاب

بول غوبل (Paul Goble)

ترجمة: عادل بشقوي

13 يوليو/تموز 020

            ستاونتون، 10 يوليو/تموز يواصل الشراكسة الاحتفال بإزالة نصب تذكاري في سوتشي أُقيم تكريمًا للقوات القيصرية التي هاجمت أسلافهم قبل حوالي 200 عام. أزالته المدينة بعد أن احتج الشركس، والإعتراف بأن المسؤولين لم يتبعوا الإجراءات المناسبة (jamestown.org/program/sochionceagainepicenterofrussiancircassianconflictbutcircassiansregisterawin/ and nazaccent.ru/content/33586-pamyatnikgeroyamkavkazskojvojnyvsochi.html).

            لكن إذا كان الشراكسة يتذوقون الانتصار، فإن القوميين الروس غاضبون مما يرون أنه هزيمة يجب ألا تتسامح معها السلطات القائمة والشعب الروسي ككل بل تسعى على الفور إلى التراجع (newizv.ru/news/society/11-07-2020/vsochisneslipamyatnikgeroyamkavkazskoyvoynynatsionalistynedovolny and kavkazuzel.eu/articles/351750/). Read more

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Moscow TV Host Denounces Removal of Monument in Sochi, Threatens Circassians with Retribution

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Moscow TV Host Denounces Removal of Monument in Sochi, Threatens Circassians with Retribution

Paul Goble

Staunton, July 10 – Circassians continue to celebrate the removal of a monument in Sochi honoring tsarist forces who attacked their ancestors nearly 200 years ago. The city took it down after Circassians protested, acknowledging officials did not follow proper procedures  (jamestown.org/program/sochi-once-again-epicenter-of-russian-circassian-conflict-but-circassians-register-a-win/ and nazaccent.ru/content/33586-pamyatnik-geroyam-kavkazskoj-vojny-v-sochi.html).

But if the Circassians are savoring a victory, Russian nationalists are outraged at what they see as a defeat that the powers that be and the Russian people as a whole should not tolerate but immediately seek to reverse (newizv.ru/news/society/11-07-2020/v-sochi-snesli-pamyatnik-geroyam-kavkazskoy-voyny-natsionalisty-nedovolny and kavkaz-uzel.eu/articles/351750/). Read more

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