В Киеве прошел форум оккупированных народов Кавказа

В Киеве прошел форум оккупированных народов Кавказа

A Forum of the Occupied Peoples of the Caucasus was Held in Kyiv

В Киеве прошел форум оккупированных народов Кавказа

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Circassia: The land, people, and brutal Russian genocide you’ve never heard of

Circassia: The land, people, and brutal Russian genocide you’ve never heard of

Circassia: The land, people, and brutal Russian genocide you’ve never heard of


Spherical Aberration

Monday October 17, 2022

This map of Circassia is based on the 1860 Circassian Parliament’s decree, and already represents the loss of substantial amounts of traditionally Circassian territory to Russian Empire forces. Shache is modern-day Sochi.

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50 Windows on Eurasia and Note to Readers

50 Windows on Eurasia and Note to Readers

50 Windows on Eurasia and Note to Readers

NOTE: Because of a deterioration in my health, I will not be able to produce Windows at the same rate or even every day as I have in the past. My doctors advise that there will be days ahead when I won’t be able to produce any at all or significantly fewer than I have in the past. At the same time, I will do what I can for as long as I can. Paul Goble


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