Yahoo Adigha Group: Circassian National Concerns

Nations rise and develop according to factors that affect all walks of life, and accordingly above individuals’ private and selfish dimensions and narrow interests!

Consequently, it is a good practice within the “Circassian big family”, when discussing or dealing with any issue not to personalize that issue, when it concerns all Circassians alike, and would therefore benefit the Circassians and their very important interests.

Because what is my magnitude and my fate for my Circassian nation which I am proud of belonging to, and I want to marry a young Circassian youth who would joinme and share with me our national concerns.

In other words regardless whether this issue would please others, who are not really concerned in the best interests of Circassians or not, stressing on the fact that indigenous Adigha Circassians should take into consideration that they are the part who decides what is right and what is wrong.

Because names are not important when discussing national issues, I will not mention the name of the member that had replied to an article which was quoted from “Radio Adiga” recently, and as “Radio Adiga” which is a respected Circassian site had in turn quoted the article in Arabic language from “Ajans Kafkas”, has got nothing to do with the step taken by one of the members of JFNC site who translated the article to English Language which in turn was posted on “Yahoo Adigha Group”.

It is not important to mention my name either, but I must state that the word “SHAME” should go to the part that had occupied the Circassian Homeland and to those dictators who are ruling countries with iron and fire while following the MID Ages methods of oppressing peoples who happened to include Circassians upon them, even if they have with their tyrant forces some individuals who originated from the North Caucasus!

Accepting generalities and statements that are not documented are not of logic, importance or of wisdom in anyway. That way as if we are accepting a Russian saying that Circassians are living happily in the North Caucasus, or an Abkhazian saying that Circassians do not want certain people to recognize the Circassian Genocide. It is like accepting an infidel as saying that people do not want to warship God! Therefore, so fourth no one is entitled to speak on behalf of others.

Another example of liars who write randomly, but in a mean manner in order to distract the Circassians, a guy in the same shadow category who are working for a certain agenda had called himself “Zaur”, and replied to one of the posts on “Circassia News” as if he is in Nalchik, while the “Circassia News Administrator” had uncovered the fact the so-called “Zaur’ was probably a Russian agent operating in North Eastern USA.

Finally, Let us not make everything mentioned and posted such a personal matter that should be connected to a very personal issue and it must be recognized that quoted articles when they mention their source of information, arguments would not change facts.

We must be objective…

2, August, 2011


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