KC: Russia’s Anti-Imperial Committee Greets Upcoming Disintegration Of The Country

Publication time: 5 December 2011, 21:31

On December 5, 2011, Moscow-based Russia’s Anti-Imperial Committee issued a statement greeting the upcoming disintegration of Russia. It says:

We welcome the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union and – contrary to the basic idea of Putinism – we claim a continuation of the banquet!

The current “Russian Federation” is an empire, it is clear at least since 2004 when the appointment of governors was introduced, instead of direct elections.


Moreover, Russia is the last colonial empire on the earth, the decay of which is not only inevitable, but historically conditioned and will be a boon to all mankind.

The sacred cow of “territorial integrity of Russia” should be slaughtered at last! We encourage all people who are now in colonial slavery of the Russian Empire to proclaim independence and secede from the bloody, rapacious, carnificial Moscow, to throw out their pro-Moscow governors, administrators and other appointees of the metropolis. Down with the “ingredients of Russia”!

Russia is not something that should be saved, but something from what the peoples should be protected from. The tighter the Putinists turn fast their “anti-extremist” nuts, the faster they strip the thread and the stronger will be an inevitable explosion which would sweep away from the face of the earth this blood-soaked Satanic Empire which stands on the bones, and send it, after the Soviet Union, to the dustbin of history.

Let the storm rage with greater force and fury!”


Russia’s Anti-imperial Committee




Department of Letters
Kavkaz Center


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