Adygea: signatories of appeal to Ukrainian authorities on recognition of Circassian genocide summoned to “E” Centre


29 May 2014, 17:09

Adygea: signatories of appeal to Ukrainian authorities on recognition of Circassian genocide summoned to “E” Centre

The Circassian activists Aslan Shazzo, Adnan Khuade, Evgeny Tashu and Ilyas Soobtsokov, who live in Adygea, were summoned to the Centre for Combating Extremism (known as “E” Centre) of the republic’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). According to their story, the talks there concerned the appeal to the authorities of Ukraine urging to recognize the genocide of Circassians, which was signed by them.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that on May 20 public leaders of Northern Caucasus and Israel addressed Alexander Turchinov, the Acting President of Ukraine and the Chairman of the Supreme Rada, asking him to recognize the genocide of Circassians.

Aslan Shazzo, the editor-in-chief of the information-analytical agency “NatPress”, was one of the authors of the appeal; to which a collection of signatures was announced.

On May 26, the signatories to the appeal received summons to the “E” Centre; they were questioned there on 27 May.

“The main question asked by employees of the ‘E’ Centre was as follows: ‘Don’t you think that the appeal is detrimental to Russia’s security?’ Aslan Shazzo told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

In his opinion, the actions of employees of the “E” Centre and the republic’s Prosecutor’s Office are a form of pressure on the Circassian activists who have signed the appeal.

See earlier reports: Maikop opens exhibition on 150th anniversary of the end of Caucasian WarCircassian activists raise money to make “memory ribbons” for the end of Russian-Caucasian WarChundyshko: events on the Day of Circassian Flag consolidate authorities and public movements.

Author: Alla SavinaSource: CK correspondent

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