Circassian Diaspora Counters FSB Penetration Efforts by Setting Up New National Organization

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Circassian Diaspora Counters FSB Penetration Efforts by Setting Up New National Organization

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Jan. 31 – As in tsarist and Soviet times, the secret services of the Russian Federation have devoted enormous efforts to penetrate and disorder when they can’t control émigré and diaspora organizations. Among the chief targets of this effort have been groups linking the Circassian diaspora to their co-nationals in the North Caucasus.

            Some Circassians have sought to distance themselves from these latest Russian attempts by ending their involvement in Circassian activities, an understandable but collateral benefit. Others have tried with mixed success to fight the FSB puppets within groups Moscow has penetrated. And still others have formed new organizations free at least now of such influence.

            The latest is The Council of United Circassia ( In addition to the traditional tasks of Circassian groups such as gaining international recognition of the 1864 genocide and support for the restoration of a Circassian state, the new Council is seeking to counter Moscow’s use of Circassians in its war in Ukraine.

            In its founding message, the Council says that Circassians must not be deceived by Moscow’s arguments concerning Ukraine but instead refuse to fight in yet another Russian colonial war rather than becoming part of the mounting list of Circassians who have died over the last year in Ukraine.

            It also pledges to unmask Russian efforts to penetrate Circassian organizations and to suppress the rights and freedoms of the Circassian people. Moscow will certainly counter this move by seeking to penetrate the Council as well, adding yet another chapter to the fight between the diaspora and the Kremlin.

Posted by paul goble at 4:46 AM 

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