Natpress: President Khazret Sovmen’s Presents Delivered To Adygeya

President Khazret Sovmen’s presents delivered to Adygeya

On December 19th to Adygeya the annual New Year’s gifts from the operating president of Adygeya Khazret Sovmen were delivered. On the holidays 63, 4 thousand children of the republic will receive them – all the schoolboys, pupils of the children’s homes, and preschool institutions, as the workers of the Ministry of Education of Adygeya notified. Thus as they emphasized, that tradition would not be broken henceforth, “wherever Khazret Sovmen is”.

One party of the delivering cars stopped in the president’s native aul Afipsip; another one arrived to Maykop. Then the gifts will be distributed in schools of the republic.

The set of sweets from the known Moscow confectionaries, as before, is packed in so-called ‘little chests’. However now the little chests are not cardboard but tin. In them the children will also find the congratulatory cards from the president and notebooks.

Let’s remind, earlier the press-service of the president had informed that Khazret Sovmen allocated from his own means 15 million rubles for purchase of those gifts.


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