Just Call It Fascism Alexander Dugin’s fraudulent ‘fourth way’ By Matt McManus November 27, 2022

Just Call It Fascism Alexander Dugin’s fraudulent ‘fourth way’ By Matt McManus November 27, 2022

Just Call It Fascism

Alexander Dugin’s fraudulent ‘fourth way’

By Matt McManus

November 27, 2022

Alexander Dugin (REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Ukrainian Parliamentarians Want to Declare Russia’s 1864 Expulsion of Circassians a Genocide

Ukrainian Parliamentarians Want to Declare Russia’s 1864 Expulsion of Circassians a Genocide

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Ukrainian Parliamentarians Want to Declare Russia’s 1864 Expulsion of Circassians a Genocide

Paul Goble

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Хаути Сохроков: Украина, воюющая с собственным народом, не решит проблемы адыгов

Хаути Сохроков: Украина, воюющая с собственным народом, не решит проблемы адыгов

04 07, 2022

Олег Пономарёв

Хаути Сохроков: Украина, воюющая с собственным народом, не решит проблемы адыгов

Эксклюзивное интервью для «Кавказ Сегодня»

Хаути Хазритович Сохроков – Президент Международной Черкесской Ассоциации.

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In the North Caucasus, FSB Shifts Its Targets from Islamic Radicals to Ukrainian Spies but Not Its Methods

In the North Caucasus, FSB Shifts Its Targets from Islamic Radicals to Ukrainian Spies but Not Its Methods

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

In the North Caucasus, FSB Shifts Its Targets from Islamic Radicals to Ukrainian Spies but Not Its Methods

Paul Goble

Karachaevsk. FSB officers during the detention of an alleged militant, April 29, 2022

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Torture for Requesting a Ukrainian Song /  Пытки за украинскую песню

Torture for Requesting a Ukrainian Song / Пытки за украинскую песню

Torture for Requesting a Ukrainian Song / Пытки за украинскую песню

9 June 2022

Torture for Requesting a Ukrainian Song

When a resident of Cherkessk in Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, ordered the performance of a Ukrainian song in a Cafe, the local authorities and Federal Security Service (FSB) officers tried to obtain information under torture about his connections to Ukraine

Пытки за украинскую песню

От жителя Черкесска, заказавшего в кафе исполнение украинской песни, сотрудники ЦПЭ и ФСБ пытались получить под пытками сведения о его связях в Украине Read more

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Moscow State Institute of International Relations Organized Anti-Circassian Propaganda before Sochi Olympics

Moscow State Institute of International Relations Organized Anti-Circassian Propaganda before Sochi Olympics

Adel Bashqawi

June 2, 2022



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From Extermination to Gas Ovens and Everything in Between

From Extermination to Gas Ovens and Everything in Between

From Extermination to Gas Ovens and Everything in Between

Adel Bashqawi

5 May, 2022

By: Twitter
By: Twitter

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