Stand Against ICA’s Wrong Way

Stand Against ICA’s Wrong Way

The leaders of the ICA (International Circassian Association) have been recently on a world tour.  Well, to be more precise, some of its “leaders” ( ).

So, what was the goal and what was the message carried by those men?

First, although the current president of the organization headed the delegation, we cannot see this delegation as a representative of the ICA due to the split that occurred recently. In fact, the head of the Adygea and Cherkessia Khasa branches did not attend this tour due to major differences and even threatening to break and create an alternative NGO. The ICA’s president (Khauti Sokhrokov) was accompanied by the head of Kabardino Khasa branch Muhamad Hafiza and by the known author Meshbesh Ishak, which looks to be chosen in order to “represent” the western side of Circassia.

The involvement of Mr. Hafiza was no surprise compered to Mr. Meshbesh and it seems that the good reputation of the author was damaged because of that. Why? Because of the spirit of the message delivered and the feedback of the Circassians afterwards.

There were three main issues that were discussed in the meetings of the delegation in Turkey, Jordan and Israel:

1.    We want to tighten the relations with you (that is, Circassian Diaspora).

2.    We ask you (Circassian Diaspora) not to go out against Russia and its policies.

3.    We ask for your attendance and support in the upcoming elections of the association going to take place this September (will be held in Nalchik).

Although the ICA is known as an organization that lost its legitimacy as a representative for the Circassian interests in the eyes of almost all Circassians worldwide, the delegation was welcomed and hosted as the Adiga Khabza requires. Still, it is known that after the formal reception the meetings were not in favor of the delegation and its goals:

1.    The three were basically asked “where have you been up to now?”  Nobody stopped you from holding close connections with Diaspora; on the contrary, it was Diaspora’s expectation from ICA to do so on regular frame work.

2.    This request included to refrain from demonstrating against the Russian embassies (the Sochi Olympics were mentioned as an example), and not to ask foreign countries for recognition of the Circassian Genocide etc., which moved the talks to a different level due to the outrageous request. No need to say that no one agreed with their request.

3.    It looks that most agreed on the attendance but there were no support statements (actually far from that).

Also, when the issue of the Circassians of Syria was brought up, the delegation referred to it in general and twisted the discussion back to other topics knowing that they don’t have any good answers.

From the reactions (  ), one can say that most of the Circassian world is against the course the ICA shows due to the fact that over a decade now, its path is not the one for the benefit of the Circassian nation, but it is on the contrary.

In order for the Circassian nation to keep its existence as such, the road should lead to Circassia, meaning: First step is the recognition of the Circassian Genocide by all means and the right for self-determination to follow (the determination to exist as a free nation in Circassia).

Most of the elections of the ICA (except for the early ones) were never “promoted” in such way and the results were almost dictated (not surprisingly due to the nature of the organization in the last decade) in light of that, the motivation for this tour is not clear. Is this action done in order to strengthen/present the ICA as the Circassians representative (the ICA will probably release such statement) as a preparation of a certain “move” planned by Russia in the future or an act for gaining power and control over the “rambunctious” Circassians who ask the world for recognition and for justice from the Russian state?

One thing is for sure, it opened an opportunity ( in favor of the Circassian cause and for all Circassians (as was reported, even Adygea and Cherkessia Khasa branches are not cooperating) to show that ICA is not their true representative by doing one of the two:

Boycotting the elections and declaring the absence of the Khasas, or by attending but voting against the current leadership and in favor of those who lead the true Circassian path, leading for restoring the Circassian legitimate rights in Circassia and assuring the existence of the nation.


29, August, 2015.

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