War in Ukraine Pushing North Caucasians from Interest in Federalism to Backing Independence, Yevloyeva Says

Sunday, July 23, 2023

War in Ukraine Pushing North Caucasians from Interest in Federalism to Backing Independence, Yevloyeva Says

Paul Goble


Staunton, July 20 – Non-Russians in the North Caucasus and especially in its eastern half have shifted their positions since the start of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, Izabella Yevloyeva says. Before February 2022, most were interested in greater autonomy and federalism; now, ever more of them believe that independence is the only way forward and that it is possible.

Yevloyeva, the founding editor of the independent Ingushetia portal Fortanga, reaches that conclusion after surveying the opinions of experts about attitudes across the North Caucasus (kavkazr.com/a/hotyat-li-kavkaztsy-nezavisimosti-voyna-v-ukraine-i-dekolonizatsiya-v-rossii/32501825.html). Read more

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Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 23, 2023

Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 23, 2023

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The Circassian Genocide: How the Caucasus was Conquered by Russia?DOCUMENTARY

The Circassian Genocide: How the Caucasus was Conquered by Russia?DOCUMENTARY

The History of the Ancient World

May 6, 2023

A historical fact that explores the tragic fate of the Circassian people at the hands of the Russian Empire in the 19th century. The video delves into the history of the Circassians, their culture and way of life, and their resistance to Russian expansionism. It also sheds light on the Russian government’s policies of ethnic cleansing and forced migration, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Circassians and the displacement of the survivors. The video aims to raise awareness about this little-known chapter of history and its lasting impact on the Circassian people and the Caucasus region as a whole.

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Beverage Brand ‘General Zass’ Sparks Outrage in Circassian Community

Beverage Brand ‘General Zass’ Sparks Outrage in Circassian Community

Beverage Brand ‘General Zass’ Sparks Outrage in Circassian Community

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

The company has not released a statement regarding the controversy.

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Narcissism and its Impact on the Public Scene

Narcissism and its Impact on the Public Scene

Narcissism and its Impact on the Public Scene

Adel Bashqawi

July 10, 2023


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Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 9, 2023

Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 9, 2023

بول غوبل

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OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly Declares Russia a Colonial Empire

OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly Declares Russia a Colonial Empire

Sunday, July 9, 2023

OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly Declares Russia a Colonial Empire

Paul Goble


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