Adygeanatpress: Solidarity With Adygeya Puts Equal-Sign Sovmen-Adygeya-Prospects

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/15/2006 10:41 AM
 World committee for solidarity with Adygeya puts equal-sign: Sovmen – Adygeya – prospects
As IА REGNUM correspondent across Adygeya informed, on April 13th he got a reference of the World committee for solidarity with the Republic of Adygeya. It was signed by the coordinators from Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Holland, Canada, and the USA. The reference, as it was spoken in the letter enclosed, had been dispatched among the legal expert organizations, embassies, parliaments, and ministries – accessible to the organization. In the reference of the committee for solidarity it was spoken:

“The world committee for solidarity with Adygeya expresses great concern and alarm in connection with the position around of the republic and its president Khazret Sovmen. The Southern federal district on behalf of its plenipotentiary of the president of Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak, putting political pressure, achieves integration of the Republic of Adygeya with Krasnodar territory and tries to push off at any cost its head, originally national leader who had stood on people’s protection.

Having come to authority as a reformer, from the first days of his management of the republic Khazret Sovmen declared uncompromising struggle against bureaucracy and corruption, against real poverty caused by such phenomena. Very few people ventured to support him at that time, few men took openly his part now, but he always enjoyed the national love. Today there are real fruits of that struggle – into economy, in life of citizens of the republic.

Adygs (Circassians) – the heroic people of the past – know many examples of valour nowadays, too. Among the politicians they are not too few. The whole Adygeyan world of Diaspora torn off from the Native land, apprehended Khazret Sovmen’s victory in the presidential elections as a holiday and declared: “President Khazret Sovmen is the President of ours!” We do not refuse such words and we confirm them with the doubled confidence: “Khazret Sovmen’s losing as president is a loss for the Republic of Adygeya!”

Today Khazret Sovmen is a symbol of the nation separated in Caucasus, spread worldwide; actually he all alone counteracted the imperial system that did not stand any innovations, any initiatives or any objections. He has already made very many things both for his compatriots all around the world, and for the citizens of Adygeya. And he is still capable to increase greatly the achieved results.

The world committee for solidarity with the Republic of Adygeya declares that Khazret Sovmen’s resignation would have been the beginning of the end for the Adygeyan identity and originality, Adygeyan ethnos as a whole. The resignation would have entailed liquidation of the Republic of Adygeya sited on one of the first places where Adygeyan ethnos arose and developed during millenia, the national center of the whole Adygeyan world. The world committee for solidarity with the Republic of Adygeya calls:

Today, as never, the Adygeyan world should rally around the leader and defend that by the right of life belongs to the people: the Republic of Adygeya and its president – the symbols of Adygeyan (Circassian) nation, which had been through numerous historical cataclysms and, despite of anything, survived.

We call: Adygs and the whole world community must not admit the second after the Russian-Caucasian war of the XIX century Holocaust against Adygeyan (Circassian) people!

We put the equal-sign between the concepts Khazret Sovmen – the Republic of Adygeya – national prospects”.


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