Natpress: Maykop Mayor Doesn’t Carry Out His arrangements With Adygeya President

From: Eagle-wng

Maykop mayor doesn’t carry out his arrangements with Adygeya president?

The head of Maykop administration Nicolay Pivovarov does not wish to carry out the arrangements sounded at the meeting with the Adygeya president Aslan Tkhakushinov on February 6th. The participant of that meeting the chairman of “Council of Maykop workers”, deputy of the State Soviet-Khase of Adygeya Valentine Melnikov told about it to Caucasian unit correspondent yesterday. As he noted, one of those arrangements was returning the price for town trolley bus tickets from 5 to 4 rubles.

To check of execution of that decision the leader of the republic had charged then to Minister of economic development and trade Aslan Matyzhev. And he, Melnikov, met the minister to find out: why the price has remained the same. Minister answered that, apparently, they should wait returning of the president (who’s now in Moscow) to address to him with that question repeatedly.

“The prices for the trolleybus tickets, – explained Melnikov, – it is far not the main question with which we went to the president. But the attitude to this problem shows, like other arrangements, we suppose basic for us, will be implemented by nobody”.

Let’s note, for a long time the clashing parties – the chairman of “Council of Maykop workers” and the mayor of the Adygeya capital had met by the president of the republic basically to find the compromised decision in relation to increases of the tariffs for housing and communal services of the Adygeya capital for 2005-2007.

The main illegal action, Melnikov considered, was committed in 2005. Then the tariffs were increased in infringement of the federal standards and were unreasonable: in 47 %. The next increases of the town tariffs which, as he said, were based on the previous ones that could not be recognized correct, too, though corresponded to the standards.

During 2005-2006 “Council of Maykop workers”, supported by the regional branch of the Communist Party, on regular basis organized protest actions. On the same occasion from the end of 2004 till this day “Council of Maykop workers” conducts the litigation against the town administration and the town council of People’s Deputies.

Till now the town authorities reacted to the protest actions and the actions of “Council of Maykop workers” a little. For example, the winter of 2006 when the problem of the tariffs of housing and communal services had been under consideration the republican parliament, the head of the town administration was not present at the sessions.

At the last meeting with the president Nicolay Pivovarov said that “for that moment the federal law demanded deducing tariffs of housing and communal services in 100 percent payment by clients”. Besides he told, in the summer of 2006 when they fixed the economically proved tariffs, the town administration decided to pay off indemnifications. At the same time, he agreed, the conflict should be settled.

“The meeting can be named constructive, – remarked after it Melnikov. – The president instructed Minister of economics that he, working with the town administration and us, has found the variant comprehensible to each of the parties”.

In Melnikov’s opinion, the new meeting with the president takes place only next week.


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