Itar-Tass: Special Operation In Makhachkala Over, 3 Militants Killed

From: Eagle_wng

Special operation in Makhachkala over, 3 militants killed
25.10.2005, 04.45

MAKHACHKALA, October 25 (Itar-Tass) – A more-than-nine hours-long special police operation against militants on Nasrudinov Street here is over.

An officer on duty at the city police department has told Itar-Tass Tuesday, “Three militants have been killed. A procedure to identify them is under way”.

According to existing data, two policemen were wounded in the gunbattle. A field investigation team is currently at work in the four-room ground-floor apartment, which the militants rented.

There has been no official comment on the special operation so far.

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